BD ARCHERY opened it's doors 1995. While working as a toolmaker in Columbus, Nebraska, I enjoyed attending archery events and hunting.
The thought of making archery sights didn't exist until I was looking to buy a new sight. There were no sights that I able to find that I liked or wanted to spend so much on.
At that time I thought about sending for patent information on some of the sights on the market, to get an idea of what was patented and what was considered standard for sight design. Being a Toolmaker since 1981, I decided to also use standard designs for slides and locking devices. After attending some archery events, the number of people asking what brand sight I had was growing.
It was because of this, BD ARCHERY began as a small business and continues to grow. Being a member of the Platte Valley Archers club since 1991, I have made many friends. Our club hosts one of the largest indoor 3-D shoots in the Midwest here in Columbus every year. That's sure good for me, as I get to see a lot of my local customers at one time.
Since 1995 I have had a booth at our tournament selling sights. And with the help of my customers I have made many improvements to my sights. I always welcome ideas on how to improve or how to reduce costs which I can pass on to my customers.
I would like to thank all of our club members and all of my customers for their support, I enjoy hearing about their hunting trips or their tournament scores. It makes me feel good to hear that people are satisfied with their sights.
I believe a good product will sell itself, my customers are my sales team and I also consider them my friends.